Sign your Buckaroo up for the Little Wrangler Rodeo, Tug-of-War, Balloon Race or Chicken Chase!
Forms & Rules
Click on the contest to download rules and entry forms.
Come out to the Jackson County Youth Fair and enjoy the different contests we offer.
Scholarship Application
- Application must be mailed and postmarked by March 31st, 2025, in order to assure receipt. The Jackson County Youth Fair Board will select a scholarship recipient at the April 2025 board meeting. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Pageant Entry Forms
- Please select which Pageant you would like to enter from the choices above. Remember all Pageant Contestants must reside within Jackson County to participate.
- Queens & Jr. Miss Pageant
- Mail Forms to: P.O. Box 457, Edna, Tx 77957
- Little Mr. & Miss Pageant
- Mail Forms to: P.O. Box 457, Edna, Tx 77957
Ambassador Nomination
- Members are nominated by 4-H Adult Leaders, FFA Teachers, and County Extension Agents. Individuals are expected to show great leadership skills and be an asset in the community. Ambassador’s serve a two year term and must have a livestock project to qualify for a nomination.
Family Department Rules
- Only non-professional participants may compete. Persons not receiving the majority of their income from the category entered.
Little Wrangler
- Contestants must sign in at the rodeo arena to receive a participation number in order to compete.
Calf Scramble
- The first participant who catches and brings a calf across the line will be awarded a belt buckle along with a $600 cash award upon showing appropriate expenditures for their current year Livestock Project. The second and third participant who catches and brings a calf across the line will likewise win a $400 and $200 cash award, respectively, upon showing expenditures for their current year Livestock Project. Good Luck!
- The Parade Chairman or representative will notify entrants of their line-up numbers the week of the parade. Line-up numbers are painted on the street surface. Please put your line-up number on the float so that it is visible to the judges.
Livestock Judging Contest
The Jackson County Fair Association would like to take this opportunity to invite you and your Livestock Judging Teams to participate in the 69th Jackson County Youth Fair Livestock Judging Contest. The contest will be held on October 12th, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Brackenridge Recreational Complex (284 Brackenridge Parkway, Edna, TX).
Team must consist of bonafide members in good standing of a 4-H or FFA Chapter and be enrolled in school at the time of the contest. The contest will be divided into two divisions for the presentation of the belt buckles only.
Senior Division – 14 years or older, as of the contest date
Junior Division – 9 to 13 years of age, as of the contest date
Registration will be on-site and begin at 8:30 AM. Registration fees are $20.00 per team or $7.00 per individual. Checks and cash are accepted. Please make checks payable to the Jackson County Youth Fair Association. A team consists of three or four members. The number of teams entered per chapter is unlimited. Please contact Savannah Depine if you have any questions, (361) 648-6037 or
Only the three highest scores will be used in computing the team scores. The low scoring member will be considered the alternate; this score will be used only in the event of a tie. Should a tying team consist of only three members; the tie will be broken by scores of a certain class, which will be announced before the contest begins. Eight minutes will be allowed for each class judged.
*Scantrons will be provided
Classes: Six classes will be judged consisting of the following.
Two classes of market steers
Two classes of market swine
One classes of market sheep
One classes of market goats
**Classes are subject to change after livestock entries are received**
No one will be allowed in the judging area before the contest begins except Fair Officials and their helpers. Coaches and teachers will not be allowed to communicate with their teams during the contest. There shall be no talking among contestants during the judging. Any questions should be directed to the group leader. Disqualification of teams can result if these rules are violated.
Recognition of winners and presentation of awards will take place as soon as the results are available. Announced results will be final. Belt buckles will be awarded to the top scoring Junior and top scoring Senior individual.
Commercial & Concession Rental
- For a very resonable cost, your business or organization will be able to “reach into the community” at this year’s fair. The fair gives you the opportunity to market your products or services to folks from all around Jackson and surrounding counties. Many groups find that they have more contact with the publoic during the fair than they do during the balance of the year. As usual, special promotions have been developed to help deliver fair-goers to the commercial and concession areas. Please consider this an open invitation to participate in this great event.
Mutton Bustin
- Jackson County Youth Fair
- Mutton Bustin
- All Performances are at 8 p.m. at the Brackenridge Recreation Complex Main Event Center
• Thursday, October 11th
• Friday, October 12th
Friends of the Fair Livestock Show
- This is an event to allow students the opportunity to participate in the county fair’s Livestock Show and to gain the experience of showing an animal in the show arena. Goats and lambs will be haltered and participants will receive assistance by exhibitors.
- Contestants are asked to register by Wednesday, October 4th, so that animals and fair exhibitors can be prepared. Appropriate attire such as shirt, jeans, and closed toe shoes must be worn by participants for safety.
- All participants will receive an award and be acknowledged.
Click here for more information and to download application.
AG Mechanics Division Rules
FAIR CHECK IN: Tuesday, October 8, 2024, Between 5:00pm – 6:30pm
SHOW DATE: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, Between 9:00am – 11:00am
AWARDS CEREMONY: Wednesday, October 9, 2023, at 11:30am (right before heifers)
CHECK OUT: Sunday, October 13, 2024, By 9:00am
The purpose of this division is to encourage construction of projects for home/farm use, and display to the general public, through exhibits, some of the values of Agriculture Mechanics.
- At the time of check-in, each exhibitor will be required to pay a $20.00 entry fee per project within the JCYF. Projects can be auctioned off in either the silent or live auction, depending on their awarded placing. Live auction will only pertain to the Grand and Reserve Champion projects and all other projects will be sold through the silent auction. The auctioning of the projects is optional to the exhibitor, not required.
- Each exhibitor must complete a W-9 with their social security number. In the event the total add-ons exceed $600.00, then a 1099-misc form must be submitted to the IRS. If a completed W-9 is not received, then the exhibitor will not be able to sell their project.
- All entries are required to be checked in at the designated time and location established for the Ag Mechanics division. Entry forms for each project, W-9’s, and any other paperwork needed by the JCYF will be filled out at the time of check-in, if they have not
been previously completed. - A project may be exhibited only one time at the JCYF and must have been constructed within one year of the exhibition date.
- All projects must be painted or properly treated and must be clean and in a presentable condition, even though they may have been used. All projects must be completed and dry when they are checked in.
- All projects are to have been constructed by student(s) at a school or home facility. FFA projects must be supervised by the Agricultural Science Teacher. 4H projects must be constructed at home and supervised by the county Extension Agent.
- All projects are required to be checked in on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, anytime between 5:00pm – 6:30pm and all projects will remain on the fairgrounds until check out on Sunday, October 13, 2024, by 9:00am.
- Before unloading or unhooking, the exhibitor must check with a JCYF board member as to where the project will be displayed.
- Exhibitors must be present during judging to answer questions from judge(s) unless prior arrangements have been discussed and approved through a JCYF board member.
- Appropriate and safe display stands are to be provided for gates, panels, and other projects that need support. Sharp edges and points are to be padded and/or covered as necessary to prevent possible injury. Heavy BBQ pit lids or doors must be secured open to prevent possible injury.
- Group projects may be constructed and entered as a group project consisting of 2-6 group members.
- Individual entries may be exhibited provided the individual did the majority of the work on the project. (all phases)
- An original working plan or drawing, photographs showing stages of construction, and a bill of materials are required with each project and must be properly displayed.
- At check-in, the exhibitor must place a sign on the project stating their intent of placing the project into the silent auction.
- All projects are to be identified with standard exhibitor cards. Any additional signs, banners, etc. must be approved by the Committee Chairmen. The project (entry) number must be displayed on the project in a manner where it can be easily seen.
- Exhibitors and judges will be the only ones in the show area during the judging process.
- If at any time the project becomes unsafe, the JCYF board members will decide if removal is necessary, or what action should be taken to ensure safety.
- If assistance is required to unload your project, due to size and/or weight, then prior notification will need to be made so that the JCYF can plan accordingly to provide the proper equipment. The JCYF will not be held responsible for any damage that might occur during the unloading process.
- Only collared shirts, jeans, and closed toe shoes will be allowed. No caps, hats, t-shirts, cell phones, earbuds, or smart devices allowed. Dress codes will be enforced or face disqualification. Any deviation from this must have prior approval from the Fair Board (During judging and rewards)

2022 Queens Court
2022 JCYF Queen – Queen Callie Bell
Grand Duchess – Lacey Linke
Duchess Cavy Mangum Ashlynnn Gasch

2022 Jr. Miss Court
2022 Jr. Miss Blaire Barnes
1st Runner Up – Gianna Kallus
2nd Runner Up – Saylor Bures
1st Runner up Paisley Curlee
2nd Runner up Cali Mangum

2022 Little Mr. & Miss Court
Little Miss McAlister Hicks
1st Runner up Roan Kana
2nd Runner up Emersyn Herrera
2022 Little Mr. Kytonn Smith
1st Runner up Hollis Hasdorff
2nd Runner up Bradley Bures